Water Booster Stations
Water boosters can be provided as skids or complete buildings. From end suction and vertical multistage to split case pumps, these stations are built to your specifications and budget. Pre-wired and pre-tested hydraulically and electrically, installation is smooth and simple.
Water boosters can be provided as skids or complete buildings. From end suction and vertical multistage to split case pumps, these stations are built to your specifications and budget. Pre-wired and pre-tested hydraulically and electrically, installation is smooth and simple.
USEMCO - AquaPak
The AquaPak is a turnkey booster pump station in an R30 insulated building that can be provided in exteriors ranging from unfinished to aggregate wall panel or bricked on site. They can come in designs up to 12 MGD in both constant speed and VFD models. They can include chem feed rooms, generators, and tanks. Every USEMCO Aqua Pak modular water booster station is custom designed and manufactured in USEMCO's factory to exact specifications, assuring the end user that consistent construction and fabrication practices are continually used by the experienced craftsmen who specialize in booster and pumping station assembly. Only nationally recognized suppliers of pumps, valves and operational components are utilized for the highest quality pump stations. Electrical control panels are individually assembled of high-quality electrical components and wired to provide complete pump, ventilation, lighting and heating control. Panels are UL 508 listed. Numerous openings, interior and exterior finishes, metals and colors are available. A 5-year warranty on the enclosure is standard; optional 10-year warranty attests to the quality built into the enclosure. |